I like to hear the sounds of the night
scared when I wake at dawn and even a music comforts me.
These sounds give me peace,
because when I hear them know that there is life out there even though
it does not appear.
When I hear them, I realize that the feeling of wilderness exists only
at times when I wake up alone in a nightmare.
Luckily there are the sounds of the night to comfort me.
When I wake up abruptly like this
I like to think about how it's funny that I always end up taking
inspiration because of these dreams and nightmares.
I like trying to decipher them, or simply create stories extended to
but when I see the first rays of dawn, I feel a great peace.
I feel peace because I know that this is another day of possibilities
One more chance to make a change
One more chance for love
Another chance to live.
And even at the end of the day you have given it all wrong
I know there are the sounds of the night to comfort me
They never fail to comfort me.
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