I wish I have some dreams in my sleep could be real ...
I wish I could fly, chasing the setting of the sun that I love so much, without looking back.
I wish I could turn my life into a movie or find a photo that define everything that she is.
I'd like to be able to visit the time of the Vikings, Ancient Greece, the Ancient Egyptians, the Middle Ages, the Middle and Modern ... Contemporary Living in sometimes stressful.
I'd like to meet the girl I was in the past and say to her: "You have no idea of the direction your life will take! Prepare for a life of frequent changes!"
I wish I could breathe underwater ... The silence that the sea gives me when I swim, I do a lot more good than any therapy would.
I would like to remember so many things that my brain was keen to erase ... And also would like to forget the things that insist on bothering me ...
I like to pack my bags now is start traveling ... Knowing all the places I've always dreamed of seeing ...
I'd like to live near a beach soft and sunny, but it had snow in winter.
I'd like to be kissed and cuddled ever.
I wish some people did not live so far from me ...
I wish that "boredom" did not exist.
I like to dance non-stop ...
I wish some days not pass so slowly.
I'd like to own a bookstore and a movie theater VIP customer.
I'd like to smash grapes with their feet ...
I'd like to at least about 100 shows until the end of my life.
I would like to know how to cook more things ... I'm working on it.
I would like to visit a museum every week.
I wish my hair would change at the same speed that I change my opinion about him.
I'd like to change some things in me.
I would like to slightly decrease the strength of the sun .. And you can bring the moon closer.
I wonder driving, and driving nowhere whenever any situation arrived at my limit stress.
I would like the sound of rain began to drown all other sounds every time someone started talking shit.
I wish I had my head in my discography engaged in automatic mode.
I would like the world to give more value and Humanities Exactly who is understood that other loses spontaneity.
I like many things ... Sometimes not want power, or is simply running back and wait and see. I'd rather be marathoner than not trying to turn the impossible into reality.
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