In one of my
meaningless thoughts, I came to the conclusion that the wheels are the answer
for everything. After they were invented, nothing was the same. That was before
Christ and no one knows for sure what people invent. When you stop to think
about it, it seems surreal because we are talking about here they were invented
in an era where there was even one-third of the technology that exists today.
The wheels do not seem no big deal, but they make life easier for everyone in
many different questions, there's no denying. And more is still surreal to
think that probably the people who invented it was a supernatural patience,
since the wheel was probably the first stone. Imagine how long it took to get
to carve the stone in a wheel format? Others also say that the first wheel was
a tree trunk, which is easier, but it is easier does not mean it's easy.
With their
development, we were able to take the bag back and say "hello" to the
suitcases, a technology that was very relieved that our coasts and the people
around us who had to hear us complaining of pain, etc.. They are part of most
means of transport, which almost no one lives no more today. Bicycles provide
us with great rides, or even a short journey; cars lead us to the corner
drugstore at dawn and from one state to another; bikes take us where we want
and even faster than the cars, and if you're thinking the plane gets to fly,
tell me one thing here: who takes the plane of the earth and makes it take off?
Yeah! Nobody beats the wheels.
Today I will not
speak for everyone open their wings and fly, today I'll talk to everyone build
their wheels and stepping back. Take off. Whether by car, bike or plane, take
off where they want to go. Even if only in imagination, no matter, do somehow
and then they do in imagination, give a way of turning into reality. It's
strange I never thought of that before, but now I really see, the wheels are
the answer to everything. They hold hands for our dreams, our hands to
determine, give a hand to the smallest events of our lives, but they always do
exactly what we do. And of course, as they do exactly what we do and take us to
places that just want to go, there is once again the famous phrase "Be
careful what you wish."
Grab your wheels
and find me there in that place we do not know the name, but we'll soon find
out, because our wheels are taking us. We have no time to lose, much less to
lose, we simply rely on our wheels and trust that our last stop will probably
also be the best. It will take long to get there, but as everyone says:
"The path is the best part." And it is. Is approaching the day when I
will get my wheels and trust in luck. But I'm not afraid. I'm always afraid of
being on the ground with his feet firmly planted on the ground forever and
always in the same place, when there is a whole world of possibilities out
there. Yeah, I'm one of those crazy last hopeful. Do what. It's okay for me,
since it is with my wheels.
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