To steal a heart, it must be with great skill, has to be slowly, surreptitiously, does not come with a vengeance,not reached the heart of someone in a hurry.You have to approach with mincing words, gently hold of it slowly, carefully.One can not fail to recognize that it will be stolen, in fact, we have to steal it, sweetly.Conquer the heart of a true takes work,requires patience, it's like weaving a patchwork quilt, apply an income in a dress, it is a garden, caring for a child.It needs to be skilfully, with ease, with charm, warmth and sincerity.To win a heart definitelyhave
to have guts and smarts, but I do not mean that everyone knows that
cleverness, cunning talk of feelings, from that which exists in the
soul guarded at all times.When
you really want to win a heart, we must first have already managed to
conquer our own, he must have already been explored in detail,already has been achieved to know every corner, every space filled understand and accept each vacant space.... And then, when that heart is finally won, when we have seized him,there will be a part of someone who will follow us.One half of one who will be guided by usand our hearts will beat for the account of another heart.They will experience ups and downs, yes, but surely there will be moments, thousands of moments of joy.Beat irregularly and often know why?Miss half of it is not yet with us.Until
one day, tired of being divided in half, this heart draw the other
party and someone on his own, without us having to steal it or steal it
give us the missing half.... and this is how you steal a heart, not easy?Well, we just need to steal a half,the other will come into our hands will be detected and then a steal!And just why so many people find out that for life to say that could never love someone ... is simple
because they have no more heart, they were stolen, ripped from his
chest, and only with a great love she has a new heart, after all,
hearts are to be divided, and surely this will divide the great love of
it with you .
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