Saturday, 29 December 2012

Things that are, things will come

I do not have room, but that does not mean you do not have a corner. I'm not home, but that does not stop me from creating my own abode in every place I go. My objects say who I am, my character, every thing that leaves a trail is a sign that I was or am in a certain place. Any place can be my room if you find a part of the table with at least one book and at least one book and quite possibly a dirty coffee mug. My perfume that lives in the air, my cream for hands played in the same corner of notebooks and books, a purse close, and always, always a headset handy. I think all these things added together with my computer, my iPod and I can set up as my home. Most of the time I just need this and my thoughts for a living.
I'm really weird for giving more value to cinema than the ballad? If I am, so be it. I am a young elderly assumed, but if you invite me to a show of Rock, turn a girl of 16 years crazy. Put my All Star purple, my favorite makeup, my jeans, preparing to yell throat and legs to jump. And of course, it will not be after many, many photos, even if I do not show it to anyone. But usually not ashamed to show, because I think the beauty of the fun sometimes is able to become much larger than the beauty of aesthetics.
Who is not beauty queen, or have a common beauty, stands on other issues. You can be born funny, or clever, or crazy (crazy because they have charm), or any other characteristic that most beauty queens do not. And who is not born with emphasis on other issues, learn how to be remarkable in anything, because every woman is special in its own way.
I am in love with the moon, surely. I spend a lot of time admiring it, or looking at it as my mind is far from where I am, and sometimes even talk to her. She has a light that gives me calm, hope, peace of mind ... Every time I get in tune with the moon, I just convinced me that life is more than I can guess, and as the clouds come and go around her, I'm sure that everything is temporary. Any moment everything can change or end.
May your days be sun or moon, but do not be fooled thinking that one is negative and the other positive: both have their advantages and disadvantages, as well as life. Living is different to survive, so I wish we could live forever sunny days in the accurate measurement of heat a hug and nights of the Moon with the intensity of a dance. No matter if it's day or night, the path will always be illuminated. These are my wishes for 2013.

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Break the chain

It's easy to tell when the structures are weak
I write about everything from child
And who writes, knows when an event is important.
As a weak structure,
As a failed attempt.

I'm watching you light the dynamite
You laugh as he prepares to kill the cause of your gastritis ...
Maybe you do not know what you're doing
But my eyes never leave the telescope to see what is happening.

You want to explode, but not to stay to watch
Do you want to explode, but is chained to something that will not let you go.
Tell me when you break the chain
You are about to explode with all these people
You need to escape, need to break the chain.

I write about you since I was changing teeth
And always hoped you break the chain.
Please do not blow up with these people
You must escape before activating the pump,
You need to break the chain.
You must throw off this decadent life
Please break the chain.

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Let me

When I say it arrives
Let me.
When I say I do not want
When I say I've ever done
When I do not want to hear
When I leave
Do not ask anything.
While I want to be free
Do not be a rock.
Do not be the reason that makes me lose my mind.

Even for love has limits.
Even family has to guess quota.
Even for friendship is the right measure of freedom.
I take care of my life even before they are of age.
I do not accept abuse of nowhere.

Open Window

And suddenly I open the window and see ...
Hope at all times
Hope that the sun's rays become less hot
Hope that the rain will come and refresh all our people.
Hope springs from the heart
Hope to get a good dance dance
Hope reminds me of a song.

And that is what life is made ...
Hope in all things and people
To continue smiling and dreaming
And being able to appreciate a perfect moonlight.
I'm being corny and cliche
But I have hope!
Will I complain about what?

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

We are no longer

Now we meet on the street that makes you look
Why did you feel the perfume I gave you is an eternity ago...
You say you're fine, but your eyes say something else.
Give me a smile shaken completely forced
And I know you have been through a lot.

We met here, after so long
Our lives took different paths as
And the changes that you live now, have nothing to do with my gift.
I'll give you a sincere look
I say that I hope you get well, because really hope
And then you tell me you are not satisfied with the direction his life has taken
And I see a tear well up in the corner of your eye...

I'm also not very satisfied with my
but nothing compares to the hurricane that became his.
I feel for you, but it is only the compassion of one person by another
A person who knows you from another time
Another time, in which we never expected to live this moment.

And now, we are nothing to each other
The feelings I had, belong to the time
And the connection you had with me was blown
There are nothing but memories...
And now I do not know who you really are
And you also do not know who I am
We're just people we used to know...

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Dead Flowers

Rain may be ugly to some ...
How dead flowers.
But it is the sun that kills
As puts fire in the hearts of little girls weak
They grow and become women hunters
Running in the rain, ignoring their fears and anxieties
Knowing who they are, knowing that nothing is in vain.

The wind blows in my face truths
or simply take them away from me ...
When the weather is sultry
everything seems stopped
Until my intuition agrees
acting alone and without the help of the wind
finds all the lost fragments
causing a revolution in my feelings.

Love renews life
but hate you sometimes wake of lies.
Just as indifference by some people does not change what has already happened
Just like I'll never stop fighting for what's mine.
Just as I was once a poor little girl, now grown.

Friday, 14 December 2012


I'm not afraid to throw myself head.
I'm not afraid of being fat, but also not afraid to be lean.
I'm not afraid to look ridiculous for having pimples after having passed the age.

I'm not afraid to give my best by fear. I want to take risks and throw myself head for what I believe, because only I can fight my battles.
I'm afraid to feel bad for more than a day because of my appearance. I'm afraid of ending up with myself in order to fit the demands of others ... And who are the others anyway?
I'm afraid of having wrinkles prematurely just because all require me to run faster than time. And once again: Who are the others?
I'm afraid to stop being me.

I'm not afraid to suffer.
I'm not afraid to disappoint me.
I'm not afraid to change just because I wanted hair for five minutes.

I'm afraid of not having memories of things that meant the world to me. If we suffer is because it really was important and it was important because it was real and wonderful.
I'm afraid not to create expectations and become a boring old pessimist who fills his mouth to say it does not plan to be disappointed. Nobody lives like that, the difference is that I have the courage to admit. And yes, I am a hopeful person. And yes, I hope the best for most people. And yes, I'm endangered.
I'm afraid to stop being spontaneous and not meet my own momentary desires once in a while. And as I hardly changed my face since childhood, my hair different are what define the passage of time. This is my way of being changeable, not stay frozen forever in the same thing. Who changes, almost always evolves.
I was a stupid teenager who danced in the street and gave the biggest hugs when he met a friend or a friend. And also cried a lot. Well, these things are not so different today, except that I became quieter and diminish my public dances. But I will always hold my important people with all my heart and I'll always laugh myself every time I remember something good.

Time may pass and I miss some features, win new and remodel old ones, but I will always be me. Because I am all that I have, I stay true to myself, I remain faithful to the life I want to live. I stay true to my beliefs and I live well with me, because I think I'm finally starting to understand my crazy head. But I like to be difficult and incomprehensible. Person thus become interesting.
They all have their charm. And sometimes your charm is not having any.

Tuesday, 11 December 2012


I could write a poem individual at dawn
describe aspects of my deep soul
and reliving the memories that no longer matter more
But in the morning, you'll be singing about
And how you held me in his dangerous game
And it will be all about you, and I will be all the people you want to see
The most passionate and the most hurt.

Can I say during the afternoon as well'm alone
enumerate with a smile the advantages of not having anyone
And secretly dreaming about being part of someone's life
But the setting of the sun I'll miss holding your hand
I close my eyes and let my imagination take for near real
And I feel your hands in my hair
And I feel you taking my clothes while fills me with kisses.

Earlier in the evening, I'll always be more desperate for the day to end soon
At dawn, I will always be the most desperate to come again at dawn.
During the afternoon, I'll be daydreaming
And at dawn, pretend to be doing something that is not thinking about you,
even if I'm not occupied anything.

I fell in love like a child
I occupy my days thinking of you
And my nights dreaming to see you.
Every time I hear that song, I wish I could wholeheartedly embrace
Every time I breathe, speak and live
I just want you to let me love you.
And I just ask that it can love happen
Or just release me and resolve to go along with the wind, followed by the
As I always follow you.

Wednesday, 5 December 2012


I am not.
I am not.
I was somewhere in the past,
a place lost almost as many stars in the sky cleared.

I do not have.
I do not come.
I do not know, but I knew.
And who can say if one day I will know again?

I do not want.
I do not expect.
I do not search.
And when looking at bottom knew I would not find anything.

I do not eat.
I do not sleep.
I do not speak.
I do not stop.
In times when stopped, I felt like the rain that comes up to beat the heat.
I felt happy.
I felt good.
I felt myself.
I felt.

It has long been no more feel.

Tuesday, 4 December 2012


Acting on the sly? I've been this way before? Maybe, but the few times in life ... Lately I've done it more than normal ... I'm taking seriously this business of private life. There's so much more that I do not talk with almost anyone ... My colleagues became friends, friends became my best friends ... Maybe it's guilt that year, in which I learned to live alone and do not stop doing certain things by being alone, perhaps because of my desconfiômetro be turned on full force, perhaps because I have become a more private person than I have never been in my entire life. Maybe it's just time passing and changing me.
The fact is that when there are people who are alone, get frustrated, mad, can not stand, do stupid things ... I do not. We are in December, and now I see that all the changes that have occurred since January, were necessary and somehow beneficial. I love people. I like being around people, and it hardly will change one day, but now I've learned to live alone and I do not despair of it. I learned to accept loneliness as something that eventually happens or becomes a way of life ... That made me more independent, more sure of myself as a person and gave me even more sure that in life, we just have to ourselves. We can only rely entirely on ourselves, we can only believe and fully trust in ourselves. We are all we have. And by Amazingly, I'm not seeing this as something totally bad after all, there are people who can not rely on yourself. Perhaps it is self-sufficiency.
This year was a drug in many respects, but not that. I'll always have my bad days, like everyone else, but right now, I really feel good. Do not know if that's good or bad, but I am becoming independent in the extreme. All persons are unpredictable ... Family, friends, everybody ... I am unpredictable, but with an unexpected deal that I know. And I've been feeling quite hopeful lately. I mean, even with everything that happened this year I'm still here, determined. How strong I become? There were things I always feared, things I always thought it would not last, but here I am more at peace with myself than ever. Everything can work out at any time, this is what flashes in my head all the time.
Do not misunderstand, it's not like suddenly I had decided to become an old maid and bitter, is not it. As I said before, I love being surrounded by people but right now, I just decided to accept the loneliness that was imposed on me throughout this year and I do not care anymore. For a long time, I thought the people I loved were all I had, and now I see that even if you have a thousand people in your life, if you're not yourself, if you are not good about yourself, if you do not like the company itself, the thousand people mean nothing. No use to cling to someone or "someones" in an attempt to feel good. Sometimes people remain, but most of the time, all follow his path, and in the end, each one has oneself.
Another lesson I learned this year: Life remains beautiful even if you are alone. You just need to strive to see the beauty of things, you just need to live as you want, any way you want. We create our reality from a mold tax. If you can remove the fog of despair from your eyes to be alone, you can see a bright moon and infinite.
Right now I feel another person. And maybe I am.

Friday, 30 November 2012

After yesterday

Later in the evening I spent with you yesterday
just left me frazzled.
My happy destroyed tatters
And my eyes have never been so amazed.

After yesterday
nothing else matters ...
I found heaven on earth
and I'm sure that in heaven there would be so good.
All this love you awoke in me
With it, I could melt a stone.

After yesterday
I discovered that there is no word
That describes exactly the size of my joy.
After yesterday I say
if you had to go through it all again, would
And if I had to cry all over again, cry
For the universe rewarded me with you
And there is no greater reward
than in my life,
have you.

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Evening gale

Spring ... The wind at dawn announces changes.
It is a wind at the right temperature, soothing after a day of hot sun.
And I'm letting my hair flying everywhere and I'm not even matter ...
Because I know what it is about this wind.
And throw my hair in all directions, that is how he found me warn you that the next thing that will give it a whirl my head is full.
She vai vai rotate and then open ... Will open fully open the missing piece.
This is my favorite among all wind winds in the world.

End of year ... The bags packed announce the next stop.
It's still far more certain ... A lighter, more fortified, the more real.
It was the one that pushed me to this spring wind.
He was the one who calmed my heart, after all this time of waiting and fear.
I could not be a quitter or pessimistic person.
I could not be the kind of person who abandons his dreams to become just another slave to the slavers.
It turns out that in this crazy world, I do not fit.
Turns out I was not born to be a slave and not to enslave.
It happens every once in a while I rethink my decisions in an attempt to self-protection.
For I am my own rock, my own shell, my own warranty, my own strength.
Just me myself.
And together, we have our moments of joy.
And together, we live our lives.

Thanks to God's end of year and Christmas is coming.
Christmas always makes everything so much more beautiful, much lighter, more peaceful and more love.
Christmas will always be a magic date, even for those who do not have snow on the outside of the window.
My Christmas has a different, and perhaps for that reason I like him so much.
I never got discouraged at Christmas, even though every year make unbearable 40 °.
Maybe I'm even a person dreamy, optimistic and blind to the extreme.
And these are exactly the things that saved me from turning an adult robot.
If the key is not to go crazy being crazy, here I am.
And I'm sure there are people like me everywhere.
People who can feel when the wind is not just a wind.

Monday, 26 November 2012


I like so much water ... Maybe that remind me of my childhood, of my weekends with my dad and my brothers. We had so much fun ... I stayed the whole day at sea and in the evening was all wrinkled and burned skin because of the sun, but completely happy. At that time I had no responsibilities ... Did not have to worry about getting a job to pay for college, and there was no crisis of Varig to take my father to SP and end our beach. In those moments, I was just a chubby girl and stressed about their happy hours. There was nothing when I was at sea.
Maybe I like water because of my small indigenous root, as were the Indians who taught us to bathe every day.
Maybe I like water through it to extremes me relax and I feel like you're in a bubble, away from all the problems. Maybe I was a fish in another incarnation, and sometimes I want to be in that too.
I'm in love with cold, but I am crazy about the beach in the heat. Maybe it's because I'm from Rio and the beach have been present at many different times of my life. I learned to treat the sea with respect, even if it were to be just sitting on the sand, watching the waves and the thought away ... Definitely water is part of my life, is a therapy.
I'm a maritime girl! =D

Wednesday, 21 November 2012


I like tuna
The tuna cats mutts that eat the last piece of fish where everyone only see bones. Is that tuna that keep these cats free of any comfort that only seeks to imprison.
I like tuna
The tuna that is placed on a homemade pizza that feeds a hungry family at the end of the month. Is that tuna that leaves your stomach hurt anyone.
I like tuna
The tuna that is eaten with bread and mayonnaise when cheese and ham are over.
I like tuna
He replaces tuna cod and salmon.
I like tuna.

Maybe I like this much tuna because of my Portuguese descent.
Or perhaps because I identify with cats mutts, full of mixtures, just like me: Portuguese, German, Indian, Italian, Spanish and Black.
We're all mutts, but we are all free because we have a bit of each place.
Who are we? We are the people who know how to embrace anyone, are the ones who always find a solution for everything.
We are the forgotten tuna eaters in the world.
Maybe that's why I like both of tuna.
Or maybe it's because he's always light at the end of the kitchen cabinet when I can not find anything interesting, as also is the light at the bottom of trash cans cats seen so many places out there ...
I like tuna.

Sunday, 18 November 2012


From time to time I try to say to myself that my flaws are just proof that I am human and nothing more than that. No one is a monster for having defects, we are all only human.
I'm trying to understand because of a sudden I started to like tea. Not that I have abandoned my coffee, is not it, I just started drinking tea in the afternoon and before bed. It calms me. Maybe that is softer, more subtle, with a pleasant temperature that relaxes me. And when I take tea in my mug with design castle, my mind drifts to far ... I think of all things in life, including the problems, and not feel afraid, do not feel anger, I feel no sadness, just feel acceptance. I think the tea gives me a warmth, a comfort that anyone could ever give me.
I've been wandering through this crazy world made smaller and no sign of light, is a hope. I try to see flowers in weeds, grass into mud, indifference in love, in a desperate attempt not to get carried away by my feelings intense, so deep, complex and difficult to bear. I'm an intense person, always have been, but lately, due to recent events who come disguised as wins and then show the true face, I have had intense feelings and aggressive. When I realize that it was all a trap ... I have to look myself in the mirror and say to myself that my flaws make me human. A silly and dreamy human.
Life is short. The roads are different, but deep down they are all interconnected and even though each fall in different places, all end up crossing the road. Sometimes we have to make small or large sacrifices to get achievements. There is not much difference between losers and winners, except that one could go to the end of the road and the other did not have enough strength to stand firm in his post.
We all count on at least one of these items the way they are and that can make a difference in the end it is up to us. Sometimes we do not have all the weapons we need, we just have all the reasons we need. For me that is able to get us out of trouble more than any gun, for me that is all the items together. To me this is more than enough.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012


It was an end of the world, but it was hers.
And because it was, it was a pretty close
There was no need for him to do something ugly, terrible and horrible
Even in the future, giving him a disappearance.

It was all fine if she did not look twice
There were no faded flowers if she did not look closely
It was only sunshine ... Happiness was always close.

The sea was rough and impossible to enter
but all that bravery made ​​him even more beautiful and admirable.
And in his moments of madness
when she was more angry than he
came and showed who is in charge.
Maybe it was just luck
Maybe they were just strong arms.

No day was done out of boredom
No moment was in vain
No rain plagued
Everything was perfect, never felt pity.

She saw what he wanted to see
He heard what he wanted to hear
It was who wanted to play
And hide the feelings that would not show.
Each one lives in the world that creates
And it was just what she believed.
It was an end of the world, but it was hers.


Maybe my problem is the rush.
I'm in no hurry to start, to continue hurry, hurry to finish.
I have difficulty appreciating the moments slowly, and when they end, I get all nostalgic, living in the past. I just really appreciate my moments when they are gone. I appreciate them in my mind, the way I kept the memories, the way my eyes understood, or simply witnessed.
I talk a lot when I'm with people, but when I'm alone, I look like a rock. What I have a happy, smiling, talkative and spontaneous in public, I have a quiet, still and quiet solitude. I closed my mind and do not give room for anyone to enter. Often people approach, pass me, talk to me, but the shadow that puts my mind in my eyes will not let me see. If the people around me see me when I'm like this, cut off relations. No one can stand in my moments derived from a stone.
And even a person as I am in a hurry, even in my moments of stone'm not calm. I'm the kind of person who walks down the street like a desperate, as if the world was ending. Ando fast even if not delayed, because there is one of the few thing I takes me to do: leave home.
The rush haunts me, part of me, takes away my ability to appreciate the moments of my life. Maybe it's because I have had some really nasty moments, bad, which made ​​me wish with all my heart that would end soon. And now, I live in automatic, hurry up with that should not have.
Maybe so, or maybe I'm just a person with no patience even with the new madness, the transformations, but nourishes within himself, so many ghosts of the past.
My head is even an animal, so savage and brutal that one day will still feed me.

Monday, 12 November 2012

Nightly ritual

While bottleneck and crying desperately
For my head stories that are lived ...
A chair, a party, a Christmas, a fight, a happiest day of all ...
My real life is going on in the depths of my mind
while I'm lying in the dark of night.

The songs are still starting and ending
Keep changing what they mean to me
And I go dancing with my eyes closed
Slowly the reunion of my great love:
The past.

And the wind comes
Pass me by
Like so many storms
As bright sunny days
Like everything in life.

I'm completely in love
Passionate about unknown
Passionate about infinity
In love with all my old loves.
They make me happy
While I remember the happiness in which he was immersed in my time with them.
In the depths of my mind
As I lay in the dark of night...

Thursday, 8 November 2012


Dreams become,
People become,
The promises become,
Life always gets ...

It has never been easy to live the life in which I was born
Because when I arrived, the circus was armed
The only thing I had to do was accept to live like that, as if I saw nothing ...
But I never got it
I was never anything that people wanted me to be
I never let myself turn to dust ...

I have a war in my head
An overpopulation in my heart
And a need for something in my body that I do not know what is ...
I always wanted to be free and the only time I came close to being, I saw everything around me become dust.
But I don't.
I was born to stand
even if it means being the only one left ...

I admit that stay long in the same place always bothered me
Maybe it's because I know that at some point everything becomes dust
And I hate having to stand to see the destruction ...
I hate this lonely life
But I prefer to be lonely than turn to dust.