The train show they will leave. Will start, he is accelerating slowly until a continuous speed. And he continues. And it continues. And it continues. You keep going to the place of destination, but who knows if it will really get us to this place of destiny? And if something happens along the way? And if something happens to the rails of the station, or signaling, or with anything else? And if it catches fire? What if ...?
Anything can happen, but sooner or later we reached our destination, whatever it. May be a person, may be a breakthrough may be the end of a great trajectory. It can be anything, as long as this thing gets. And when it arrives, is the end, there is nothing else, is the purpose of the trip is the end of expectations, the end of plans and ideas. It's the end of a reason to live. But will it really end there? Every time we reach the end, automatically begin a new path for a new order. So there is no real end. It's just a door that closes for an upcoming open.
Who takes the train at the station has an idea of what will happen. Know where the train vai, vai know how, you know that the trip will start slowly and at a certain moment a speed that can even be frightening. Or simply cause adrenaline, but an adrenaline rush that makes you smile for the euphoria it causes. Who takes the train at the station knows all this, but who takes the train and already in motion? Or next season? Who picks up with something halfway, or a quarter of the battle, or more than half of the battle do not know where you stand, do not know where you're getting into, know nothing. Who takes something that already has history only have time to do a brief reconnaissance of the site and hope that everything goes right. Who gets something moving just have to fight to get time to board, not to twist and fall pray to be as expected. Who gets a moving train can only wish that there still is a place. A place that is between people not so experienced, or not so lost, so hopeless or not, or not so old. Who gets a moving train someone wants to share ideas, someone wants to build along with it. But who gets a moving train knows that this rarely happens. Who gets in place already occupied can only shape the customs and rules. Who gets in place already occupied can only hope not to be rejected. Who gets in place already occupied have to prepare for any surprises that are going to happen along the way. Who gets into busy place, have to give thanks to God if you have a place, even if it is tight.
There are people who turn to go right in the middle of a train in motion and already full, but there are people trying to adapt without denying self. These people usually go down next season, but on rare occasions can empty an entire wagon. Can be gained by having confidence and admiration, or can be run by collective or expulsion.
But who knows what will happen on a moving train? Who knows if it's a good idea into a place already occupied, who knows if there is precipitate? No one can know, but to have the answers, you need to come and see what can happen. If it does not work, the next season will always be available to descend. And there you can catch a train or simply close out the season and see what's good.
The end does not exist because it has no end.
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