People like me, who have the spirit of revolt within, are always crazy looking for something new, something different, something that puts the soul in ecstasy and heart ablaze.
But these are times of peace. The war is over, and the sparks that turned everything on fire some time ago, were finished, calmed down. All went to their homes to celebrate the end of the war, and I got out, I went out like never before left, after being arrested throughout the war period.
At the time I was arrested, I remember having lighted matches repeatedly, hoping that the little light on my fingers broaden and enlighten the world. To enlighten my world, who long ago walked off and opaque. And it happens that one day, one of the matches has morphed into one person. Leticia, my guardian angel, my friend who never forgot me, even though I've been missing so long. Leticia was the mediator in a peace treaty in the war I fought with myself doing time. Sometimes people are just people. In others, people are the factor that determines everything and nothing, the young and old, defeat and hope. What would we be if we are not connected to others throughout our lives mysterious? This particular connection, set me free so I'm in a mood so radiant that no word invented to describe him the way he is he entirely.
I spent some time in a coma. It had nothing to grab me, I had no hope for comfort, had no light to guide me. I felt nothing and did not want to feel. Do not know what to do and did not know where to go. But those times are past. For my soul revolution is more awake than ever and everything I thought I had just turned into me with everything. These are times of peace, but even in peacetime, small revolutions happen every day, comes subtly, no one feels. And when you realize, when you look in the mirror, you know that will never be the same. When the mind opens, never returns to close. But with that comes consequences, and many other insights that you did not have before. Even in peacetime, every day the revolution remains alive within you. In me she has the energy of a young dreamer, determined and accelerated. For me it's all or nothing, and I hope it's always like that.
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