Thursday, 23 February 2012


People other and move about the same time. And in a minute I'm cursing out loud because someone dropped beer on me, and the next minute I'm laughing and falling on the samba. Soon I'm not coming in samba! But this minute and I'm rolling fidgeting, leaving each particle strike dominate my body. And I like it.Soon desperately need water, to drink and to get wet. My hair is stuck in my neck because of sweat, but I do not want to stop dancing. It's good, is engaging, is liberating.Oops! Have confusion here! So we'd better stick around. At this time there's a guy coming at me, but I do not know if I want: it's weird. But my friend told me that the Carnival is no stranger. Really?I'm hungry but my stomach is nourished dance and more dance. And now I'm jumping rope in the middle of the Crab (Corda do Caranguejo).I'm having so much fun with my friends and meeting more people known, and singing / screaming I "Moro num país tropical! Abençoado por Deus e bonito por natureza!" And how beautiful it is! I thank you for being in February and I have legs so I can jump. I am grateful to be alive and able to enjoy these magical days of the year. And the other day too, of course.I'm taking lots of pictures and crazy eating a barbecue. And now someone kissed me, but I do not know who it was. There's a guy dressed as Spider-Man in front of me and a lot of other women's dresses, and I take pictures with them and die laughing.Has a girl dressed as a man, has a guy dressed as a doctor and his girlfriend dressed as a nurse. They make a nice couple, but now are fighting.I'm having so much fun, but it is 2:30 in the morning and now just want a shower and my bed. It's time to go, but tomorrow / today has more. and I do not miss it for anything.
That everything I just said, the Carnaval happens. And everyone should have at least one in life because you are young only once.

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