You wake up and smiles a new
day has begun and you have the luck to be in it. So get out of bed, take a
shower, have breakfast, go to work or explore the world. And if you have good
taste, will do all that listening to music, because there is nothing better
than music to make you start talking in the morning. Especially if you are a
person like me that when he wakes up, looks more like a zombie than a human being
and not just talk to anyone or himself.
You know places, have a great
idea and puts it into practice, take lots of pictures of things, places and
interesting people; is promoted at work, buy something that has long wanted to
do something combines with your friends, laugh with them and put all catch up.
You may even exercise their spirit of charity and help someone during the day.
The important thing is that you have a life too busy, successful, fun,
interesting and useful, then do not have much time to be sad or care about
unnecessary things. Living intensely already consumes all your time.
You spend time with your
family, write a book, compose a song, travels to Amsterdam and falls into a
rave with everything. Without thinking, just dancing and staying away from
people who likes to smell, smoking and injecting. But one little drink will not
Meet great and wonderful
museums, it makes more plans for next year, is an important test, go to a rock
concert to celebrate, make a night of pizza with your friends, get a wave with
few enemies and play, have fun, always with many smiles and never letting the
only thing that saddens you.
Are you self-sufficient and she
repeats it to yourself all the time throughout the day. But all this repetition
is not effective.
It is not effective, because if
you do not lie in your bed at night and cry myself to sleep. You cry, cry of
longing for something that does not even know what it is, cries the
impossibility of having what is the most important thing in a person's life, he
cries because he feels a person in half, maybe even cry because bustling cities
are not enough to make you think about it, cry because I can’t stand to lead a
busy life, crying because they simply want to stop it. Cry, because the only
thing you need is the same as you do not have.
You cry because they can’t stand being alone.
Cry because there is nobody on the other side of the bed to make you a smile.
Cry because you do not get good night kiss and not just a good night look. Cry
because you only wanted someone to share your life so fabulous, why cry for
that someone, you would give up his fabulous life. The problem is that there's
nobody to do it. And for that reason, you cry.
Não é eficaz, porque se fosse você não deitaria na sua cama à noite e
choraria até dormir. Você chora, chora de saudade de algo que nem sabe do que
se trata, chora pela impossibilidade de ter aquilo que é a coisa mais
importante na vida de uma pessoa, chora porque se sente uma pessoa pela metade,
chora porque talvez nem mesmo agitadas cidades sejam o suficiente pra não te
fazer pensar nisso, chora porque já não aguenta mais levar uma vida agitada,
chora porque simplesmente quer parar com isso. Chora, porque a única coisa da
qual você precisa é a mesma que você não tem.
Você chora, porque não aguenta mais ficar sozinho. Chora porque não
tem ninguém do outro lado da cama pra te fazer dar um sorriso. Chora porque
você não ganha beijo de boa noite e nem simplesmente um olhar de boa noite.
Chora porque você só queria ter alguém pra dividir a sua tão fabulosa vida,
chora porque por esse alguém, você até abriria mão da sua fabulosa vida por
esse alguém. O problema, é que não tem ninguém pra fazer isso. E por esse
motivo, você chora.
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