On warm nights, no one has concentration to think of something. On warm so everyone wants to lie down with the fan on top, or the air conditioning on. They want to do anything but think. Taking a bath to relax and try to travel, it is thought that a super-icy waterfall, there is no heat, no sweat on his forehead. But it was a bath for a hot night I could not think of many things at once. I always travel in the bath, let the water run, leave my soul to wander away, and only my body is present, without a soul. My soul is lost anywhere, doing a walk, relaxing, sleeping, doing anything other than thinking. But in that bath in the midst of this hot night that forced my soul to stay, stay and think of all that my head was running at a time to think. She was. It was against the will, but I kept there, and it gradually subsided, and accepted thinking with my head, I needed help.
My head has never been a very focused. Always very busy, confused, running several thoughts at once, and most often stressed. And that's why when I need quiet, I have to call my soul, which is my tranquility. And my soul combined with my head I can leave balance. Of course, these things rarely happen, but that hot night in a cold shower, I could do that. And when I reached my balance, I came to a beautiful conclusion so I turned off the shower: a very short time from now, will no longer be taking a bath in the shower. And this conclusion was enough to make me happy at that moment, to relax me and let me sleep one night and absolutely hot. It was a hot night that I could conclude that there is very fast, I'm outta here. It was a hot night that I could take all the strength I needed to finish the rest of the way that remains in place I have never belonged.
My head has never been a very focused. Always very busy, confused, running several thoughts at once, and most often stressed. And that's why when I need quiet, I have to call my soul, which is my tranquility. And my soul combined with my head I can leave balance. Of course, these things rarely happen, but that hot night in a cold shower, I could do that. And when I reached my balance, I came to a beautiful conclusion so I turned off the shower: a very short time from now, will no longer be taking a bath in the shower. And this conclusion was enough to make me happy at that moment, to relax me and let me sleep one night and absolutely hot. It was a hot night that I could conclude that there is very fast, I'm outta here. It was a hot night that I could take all the strength I needed to finish the rest of the way that remains in place I have never belonged.
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