Sunday, 25 September 2011

The Rock in Rio is very good ! \o/

Folks, I know the context of my blog is not that, but c'mon, how to comment on the Rock in Rio? It's too much! The Katy destroyed on the first day, a show with a series of special effects, costume changes, with the fan on stage sick freak ... Anyway, very good! Elton John also thrilled with the classic songs, but never out of fashion, they are beautiful! Rihanna, and as always, diva! Only she did not like being late so it was kind of a lack of consideration for the fans, but offset in later stage.
Yesterday the devastated Capital, was the best national show so far, Dinho is too much, I love this guy, took the audience to their feet, sending all politicians for that place, and singing "Que País É Esse?" ! I loved it the deranged Sarney and these fucking politicians of our country! And then at the end, taking pictures with the audience and shouting: "ONE, TWO, THREE, FUCK!"hahahaahah  Man was pretty good, does not even have to talk about evil! "Should I Stay Or Should I Go" was also very good guy in his voice, I was delirious here! And he was really helpful with the fans, we had sick, he threw water bottles, was too much, and even made the honor 'son Ciça Guimaraes, who would birthday yesterday ...I've always been a fan of the Capital Inicial, but now I'm even more!
Before the Capital, Stone Sour was also super cool, really enjoyed it! Snow Patrol also was 10, but no need to comment on the Red Hot Chili Peppers right? Simply PERFECT! Loved it! And the marriage during their show? Fucking awesome, I wanted a wedding like that!
Let's see now, I'm no huge fan of bands today are legal but yes, I'll see why my dad loves so like it or not I know some music ... Oh it will be nice! We also enjoy a right metal, why not?
I am also anxious to see the day 29 to Kesha, the Jamiroquai and Stevie Wonder, 30 days really want to see Shakira and Lenny Kravitz, one day I see very very very Maroon 5, Frejat will also be nice, and I'm delirious with Coldplay here  is going to be really cool! And in two days, I long to see Evanescence *---*, System will also be deep-ass, and Guns will also be very cool!
This Rock In Rio' too much, so wanted to be there! I almost went, but ... Things happen you know ... It's life, doing what ...
But in 2013, will be there, alive and well in the City of Rock for sure!No one holds me man! \ O /

And to get in the mood, there ta a song I really love the Red Hot:

By The Way

Standing in line
To see the show tonight
And there's a light on
Heavy glow
By the way I tried to say
I'll be there
Waiting for
Dani the girl
Is singing songs to me
Beneath the marquee

Steakknife... Card Shark... Con Job... Boot Cut

Skin that flick
She's such a little DJ
Get there quick
By street but not the freeway
Turn that trick
To make a little leeway
Beat that nic
But not the way that we play

Dog Town...
Blood Bath...
Rib Cage...
Soft Tail...

Standing in line
To see the show tonight
And there's a light on
Heavy glow
By the way I tried to say
I'd be there
Waiting for

Black Jack...
Dope Dick...
Pawn Shop...
Quick Pick...

Kiss that Dyke
I know you want to hold one
Not on strike
But I'm about to bowl one
Bite that mic
I know you never stole one
Girls that like
A story so I told one

Song Bird...
Main Line...
Cash Back...
Hard top...

Standing in line
To see the show tonight
And there's a light on
Heavy glow
By the way I tried to say
I'd be there...
Waiting for
Dani the girl
Is singing songs to me
Beneath the marquee
Of her soul

By the way I tried to say
I'd be there
Waiting for

Oh ah, kissed ya then I missed ya
Oh ah, kissed ya then I missed ya
Oh ah, kissed ya then I missed ya
Oh ah, kissed ya then I missed ya
Oh ah, kissed ya then I missed ya
Oh ah, kissed ya then I missed ya
Oh ah, kissed ya then I missed ya
Oh ah

Standing in line
To see the show tonight
And there's a light on
Heavy glow
By the way I tried to say
I'd be there...
Waiting for
Dani the girl
Is singing songs to me
Beneath the marquee
Of her soul

By the way I tried to say
I know you
From before

Standing in line
To see the show tonight
And there's a light on
Heavy glow
By the way I tried to say
I'd be there
Waiting for

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