As a dance ...
A chase, a robbery, a prize.
This is the life.
like the steps of a dance;
as unfinished business;
a moment like that can get you out of everything;
Which rewards
as a reward for something well done, or just coincidence.
There are even coincidences in life?
Everything is premeditated or just related?
Result will be?
We're all just characters in a huge web of events.
These events linked by each of us and that can only happen by our
Maybe there's destiny, but that's just another question, another
question, which is unlikely to be answered or terminated at some time ...
But surely there is action and reaction.
The driver and the driven.
The pursuer and the pursued.
The robber and the robbed.
Who gives the award and the recipient.
And as always, those of the opposite or the same side.
Joining a group of people, may be the greatest blessing or the greatest
But life always takes care to make the truth appear sincere and ties are
strengthened when more and more and more.
Over time, through each point,
that can’t be quenched by anything, not even the strongest of