People who are not loved and not feel loved, get sick. Too fattening, too lose weight, others cry or laugh too much out of desperation.
No longer able to find beauty in a sunset, can't listen to music and relax, can not see a movie and regret that his life can not be like the story.
People without love dries out and get flooded inside with all the tears I can't eliminate.
They live in a state of weight in the back, melancholy, despair, shock or just feel empty inside that famous.
If playing in ballads and "relate" with 30 different people in one night, in an unconscious attempt to fill the domestic blank, an unconscious attempt to isolate the painful fact in mind. But instinct is not the same as feeling, and instinct alone never completely satisfies nobody.
People are lost without love. Look at all sides, but don't understand no, not decide for yourself which one to follow. They get dizzy, confused and disturbed by what they see so much information out there and it just annoys the most, only causes them more willing to go home and shut up in a world no.
Definitely the lack of love takes people's hopes, and makes life meaningless and emotionless. Love can be a blessing when it goes hand in hand with you, but can also be a curse when he decides to give her back. It is your height or your ruin.
It is worse for those who already felt and can no longer reach him, because that person knows how good it is, how much is an inexplicable feeling of another world without limits ... There most dangerous drug?
As for a person who never felt, ignorance is a blessing in disguise, or even just lack of experience. But after all, who never felt love in life? Of any kind, and love is worth.
I was wondering how someone might be able to invent love and loneliness on the same planet ... What seems ironic, since we live in a world that has between 7 and 8 million people. Unfortunately, this is one of those cases where everything is possible ...